Arkadios Studios
Amber Stricklin, CH

Education and Training: I was trained in hypnosis through the National Guild of Hypnotists training program. I am a certified member of the NGH.

The State of Tennessee has not adopted educational and training standards for the practice of hypnotism, therefore this statement of credentials is for informational purposes only.

Hypnotism is a self-regulating profession and its practitioners are not licensed by state governments. I am not a physician nor a licensed health care provider and may not provide a medical diagnosis nor recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments.

If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. In the event my services are terminated by a client, the client has the right to coordinated transfer of services to another practitioner. 

  • A client has a right to refuse hypnotism services at any time. 
  • A client has a right to be free of physical, verbal or sexual abuse. 
  • A client has a right to know the expected duration of sessions, and may assert any right without retaliation.

Redress: I am a certified member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, and practice in accordance with its Code of Ethics and Standards. If you ever have a complaint about my services or behavior that I cannot resolve for you personally, you may contact the National Guild of Hypnotists at PO Box 308, Merrimack, NH 03054-0308, (603) 429-9438 to seek redress. Other services than my own may be available to you in the community.

Confidentiality: I will not release any information to anyone without written and signed authorization from you, except as provided by law. You have a right to be allowed access to any written records about you.

Fees: The charges for my services are based on the rates found in this area. The general length of a session is about 2 hours, but it can vary somewhat. The frequency of sessions depend upon the client’s needs. It is all arranged on an individual basis. 

Payments may be made in cash or by check, and are due at the time of the session. If you cannot make an appointment, please notify my office as soon as you can, out of consideration to others who might need the spot. 

Pre-paid sessions: Refunds for pre-paid session are available only if the practitioner cancels the sessions. If the client chooses to end the sessions, the remaining pre-paid amount will be held for a length of time, not more than two years, for the client to return and continue the work.

Insurance: I suggest you think of my services as something that you will pay for personally and in a timely manner. In general, insurance companies do not like to cover these services, and I caution you not to expect them to do so. At any rate, I do not accept insurance payments, but I will write up a receipt for you to send to your insurance company for any reimbursement they may offer.

My Approach: Arkadios Studios is dedicated to the health and well-being of each client. Hypnosis allows the client to reach within to find solutions or achieve goals set for the journey they take within Arkadios Studios offices. The client is the one who does the work, but Arkadios Studios provides support, confidence, guidance, and whatever skills that are available to aid, translate and facilitate them along the way.